Create a Truncation Profile for an SLX Device

About this task



When a port is configured for truncation, it becomes a loopback port. When the truncation profile is deleted, the loopback mode is removed.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Device Inventory.
  2. In the Devices page, click anywhere in the required device row except the Actions column (Actions column icon) to proceed to the device Overview page.
  3. In the Device Config menu, select Policies and Configuration > Truncation Profile > Add Truncation Profile.
  4. In the Profile Name field, enter a name for the truncation profile.
  5. In the Frame Size field, enter a value to represent the maximum packet size after truncation.
    The frame size must be a multiple of 16 and valid range is 64 to 9216.
  6. In the Ethernet Interface field, select the interface or in the Port Channels field, select the port-channel as appropriate.
  7. Select Save.